SARK100 Antenna Analyzer Linux Software

When I ordered my MINI60 Antenna Analyzer from China I knew it was going to be quite a while in the post so I used the time to write some software for it to run on my laptop. Now I only run linux on my PCs so I wanted something native, and this is the result - graphing software for SARK100 Antenna Analyzer (and clones like MINI60) for the linux platform. This program (v0.9.9 onwards) should build on MAC OS thanks to patches & testing from Adam Coddington. This may also work on windows with a little tweeking in the serial functions, since I used native linux/posix serial handling for all sorts of reasons. It's free, but no support is offered.

It's a bit of a work in progress but it is working ok for me.

Requires QT framework to run. I use QT creator to build but it can be built from command line with something like: -

$ cd myscratchdir $ tar xvzf path-to/analyzer-vX.X.X.tar.gz $ mkdir build $ cd build $ /usr/bin/qmake -spec /usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/linux-g++ -o Makefile ../analyzer/ ...or... $ /usr/bin/qmake -spec linux-g++-64 -o Makefile ../analyzer/ ...or just plain... $ qmake

(the first qmake line worked on opensuse with qt4.8, second line worked on Ubuntu 15.04 with qt5.4, but since then I tried just qmake and it seemed to work with defaults fine)

$ make

Plug the analyzer into a USB port on your PC, turn the link on (on the MINI60, I press "set" then "down").

Then run with: -

$ ./analyzer

If your USB is not /dev/ttyUSB0 then use the link menu to select the right serial device.

You WILL need to build from source as I m not supplying any binaries at present.

Download here source: -

Github project can be found at

Constructive comments welcome but no support is not available,

Screenshot of SARK100 antenna analyzer software for Linux / OSX